Nancy DiPace Pfau

Nancy DiPace Pfau grew up in Sharon Springs. She received a BA in History from Syracuse University and a Masters in the Teaching of History from Columbia University.

Nancy DiPace Pfau grew up in Sharon Springs, her mother’s family first settled in The town in 1749. Pfau married in 1964 and lived around the world before returning to Sharon Springs on retirement in 2008. Pfau received a BA in History from Syracuse University and a Masters in the Teaching of History from Columbia University. After a 30-year teaching career in far flung schools from Tehran, Iran to California, Mississippi, Florida, and Virginia, she recently wrote Sharon and Sharon Springs: a History, published by Arcadia Press. She has been the Sharon Springs Village Historian since 2010 and is currently the editor of “The Chatter”, a quarterly newsletter chronicling life in our unique little village.